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What's Worse? Lacking Emotional or Mental Intelligence?
There's levels to life as I am understanding. Some of us are content to stay at one level and not advance with age, those people I lovingly refer to as "muggles". Bless their hearts.
There's the rest of us though that try to elevate our life in any way we can. I'm in this second group. I have always had a love of learning and I think some of you reading this are the same way. So I think you will enjoy this conversation.
The older I get the more I understand, being intelligent is not enough. I learned about emotional intelligence and I understand the importance of having it but then I wondered about our regular intelligence. Do we need that too?
After pondering on this thought for a while, I realized that the impact of lacking emotional intelligence (EI) versus mental intelligence (IQ) depends on the context and the demands of the situation.
Let me explain:
Emotional intelligence involves self-awareness, empathy, emotional regulation, and social skills. A lack of EI can result in:
Worse in situations requiring: teamwork, leadership, relationship building, and conflict resolution.
In workplaces and social settings, a lack of EI often has a greater negative impact than a lack of IQ.
Mental intelligence (IQ) involves analytical reasoning, problem-solving, and logical thinking. A lack of IQ can result in:
Worse in situations requiring: technical expertise, academic achievements, or logical problem-solving. In highly specialized fields, a lack of IQ can be more detrimental.
Ultimately, a balance between EI and IQ is ideal, as they complement each other. For example, someone with high IQ but low EI may excel in technical tasks but struggle in leadership roles, while someone with high EI but low IQ may inspire others but face difficulties in highly analytical work.
Something to think about.......have a great Thanksgiving holiday and here's my tip of the week...try to showcase your Emotional Intelligence more this week than your will be greatly appreciated for a great holiday season.
xo Uma
About the Author:
Uma Alexandra Beepat is the CEO of the Lotus and the Light Metaphysical Center. Uma is a Soul Alignment Coach, Metaphysical Teacher and Spiritual Mentor. Uma is the Amazon Best Selling Author of Chronicles of a Spirit Walker and author of The Awakened Life that is available on Amazon.
NOVEMBER SPECIAL: 50% off Lotus Bloom Emotional Intelligence Program
Uma has trained thousands of students in many healing modalities over the past 15 years and now offers you the complete package for your needs in a private setting! You will gain clarity, healing and enlightenment into your life with Uma as your personal teacher, coach and mentor! More Information:
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TikTok: Umabee111
IG: @thelotusandthelight
It's a Good Thing, It's always a Good Thing
This week I was having a kind of duality week, you know the kind....where you manifest so much abundance that your auto-pilot clicks on as you hit that glass ceiling in your mind and start to automatically invite in all the bad things to slow yourself down.
Oh you didn't know about that? You should really decide NOW to do a coaching program with me! :)
Well that happened. After a few weeks of tremendous success I had a massive slow down this week that gave me a lot of free time. At first I got a little anxious I liked it.
I have been following and teaching on the Law of Attraction for so many years that everything now seems like a possibility, an invitation, a surprise waiting to happen. And surprise it was.....
I lay on the couch with my son on one of those slow down days and saw the new Martha Stewart documentary come out on Netflix. We watched it and I have to say, it was well done in my opinion. It captured her personality well.
I always looked up to Martha Stewart and compared myself to her. While I wasn't as great a homemaker as she was (I can hold my own) I can definitely relate to her business side. I love to work and I am a bit of a perfectionist as Martha was. I dislike unintelligent, silly people or those who waste my time. I found I had these things in common with her so it wasn't a shock when I found myself in total agreement with her personal belief systems.
I found out that Martha Stewart is famously known for her belief in two key principles:
Martha emphasizes the importance of quality, creativity, and excellence in everyday living. She often uses the phrase "It's a good thing" to highlight simple, elegant solutions and thoughtful touches that elevate daily life.
2."Learn Something New Every Day"
Martha champions lifelong learning and curiosity. She believes in constantly acquiring knowledge, trying new things, and improving skills, whether it's in cooking, gardening, crafting, or business.
These principles reflect her approach to living a fulfilling, enriched life. It's what catapulted her to fame and then after serving five months in prison, catapulted her back to the top. She refused to give up or let things hold her back. It's a good thing, it's all a good thing.
The message was well received and right on time. No matter what happens in life, the Law of Attraction told me and Martha Stewart reminded me, It's all good!
This week I have a little less anxiety about how it will go. Whether I have a busy week at work or not, this Capricorn will stay busy. If I have a slow day then I will look for the magic of life to revive me the way it did when I watched that documentary. There are miracles all around us and we just have to pay attention.
I hope you join me this week to see the magic around us.
Until next time, have a namaste!
xo Uma
About the Author:
Uma Alexandra Beepat is the CEO of the Lotus and the Light Metaphysical Center. Uma is a Soul Alignment Coach, Metaphysical Teacher and Spiritual Mentor. Uma is the Amazon Best Selling Author of Chronicles of a Spirit Walker and author of The Awakened Life that is available on Amazon.
NOVEMBER SPECIAL: 50% off Lotus Bloom Emotional Intelligence Program
Uma has trained thousands of students in many healing modalities over the past 15 years and now offers you the complete package for your needs in a private setting! You will gain clarity, healing and enlightenment into your life with Uma as your personal teacher, coach and mentor! More Information:
FREE Psychic Readings!
FB Group:
TikTok: Umabee111
IG: @thelotusandthelight
Your Beliefs are Blocking Your Success
Client: "I love him Uma! I've tried to move on but I can't stop thinking about him! He's my SOULMATE"
Me: I understand you feel that now, so can I ask you some questions? After the questions let me know if you feel the same way.
Me: Have you been in a lot of relationships? More than 5? (Client is in her 50s)
Client: No
Me: Didn't you say he cheated on you and is currently with that person?
Client: Yes
Me: If your daughter dated a guy like this, would you be comfortable?
Client: No....and I get it, he's not my soulmate....but why do I keep thinking about him?
Me: It's a matter of choosing what you believe.
I've come to realize that we never really take the time to question our beliefs. Some of them are as old as we are or older. From the moment we are born, before we even utter our first words, we are inundated with belief systems that generally belong to other people- our parents, families, friends, religion, society, culture or more.
Are beliefs bad? Not necessarily but they can be.
Beliefs are basically thoughts that have been practiced over and over again. They don't just magically appear. If you grew up hearing your parents say, "Money doesn't go on trees" you will develop a belief about that and take it with you for the rest of your life.
As we get older, it is time to let go of beliefs and live freely. If we do this....we essentially take a step to breaking out of the matrixed world we live in.
The matrix is basically this planet and the manipulation of its natural laws by other beings. The story of these beings and who they are is a whole other blog but let's not digress. The idea is very simple- it is helpful to the beings if you fall in line and follow their agendas. It is highly disruptive to the beings if you decide to leave the matrix , learn how this Universe operates and live freely for yourself.
When you choose to let go of beliefs or at least spend less energy and time with them, you will begin to live freely. Think about it for a minute- how much energy did you spend today or this week defending your beliefs?
Some examples of how we spend our energy and time committed to upholding beliefs:
- He's my Soulmate
- I am a firm Republican
- Jesus Christ is my Savior
- Gay Marriage is right
- She is wrong and I am right
- My partner is a narcissist
Sounds familiar?
Whenever we have a strong belief, we develop strong energy about it and we have to defend that belief at all costs.
- We need to SHOW how great a Soulmate he is
- We have to DEFEND our position as a republican
- We have to CANVAS to save others souls through Jesus
- We have to FIGHT ignorant people on social media about gay rights
- We have to PROVE our rightness and their wrongness
- We have to CONVINCE everyone of our partner's narcissism
As you are reading this, you are probably thinking....gosh this is exhausting and? BINGO that is exactly what it is.
When you have a belief, you automatically have to defend it because the way the Universe is set up is the more you think of something, the more you will receive the energy of that thing.
Wouldn't you rather save your time and energy to focus on sipping a fruity cocktail on a beach? Or establishing a healthy relationship with someone? Or practicing self care?
Well I would and I did and that's why I try to live my life with as little beliefs as I can. Of course I still have beliefs and if they are negative, I try to limit my time focusing on them. It can be done but it takes work.
One thing that has helped me tremendously is learning and practicing Access Bars and if you are interested in learning that, hit me up! Otherwise here are three steps where you can begin with your mindset reset:
1) Work with a Coach (ahem) to reset your mindset. It takes time and effort and having an accountability partner call you out on your sh** is most helpful and quick! Invest in a coach and you will not be sorry!
2) Become mindful on a daily basis of how and what you think of. If you catch yourself going negative or using a lot of energy on a topic, reset and let it go.
3) Journal about your beliefs and list them in order of easy to let go of and hard to let go of. Work on the easy ones first and work your way up to the harder ones.
Once I let go of most of my limiting beliefs, life became sweeter and easier. It is my wish that you get to live the sweetness of this life too. xo Uma
Until next time, have a namaste!
xo Uma
About the Author:
Uma Alexandra Beepat is the CEO of the Lotus and the Light Metaphysical Center. Uma is a Soul Alignment Coach, Metaphysical Teacher and Spiritual Mentor. Uma is the Amazon Best Selling Author of Chronicles of a Spirit Walker and author of The Awakened Life that is available on Amazon.
OCTOBER SPECIAL: 50% off Lotus Bloom Emotional Intelligence Program
Uma has trained thousands of students in many healing modalities over the past 15 years and now offers you the complete package for your needs in a private setting! You will gain clarity, healing and enlightenment into your life with Uma as your personal teacher, coach and mentor! More Information:
FREE Psychic Readings!
FB Group:
TikTok: Umabee111
IG: @thelotusandthelight
Unlocking My Purpose: 3 Ways to Turn My Vision into Action
Congratulations! You've discovered your purpose!
The question what? Knowing your life's purpose is just the beginning. The next step is to create a clear, actionable plan to bring it to life.
You have to learn how to align your goals with your deeper sense of purpose and move forward with clarity and intention.
Before we jump into talking about turning your purpose into a well defined strategy, let’s discuss what purpose is first.
Purpose is the reason or underlying motivation behind why you do what you do. It is a deeply personal, guiding principle that gives meaning and direction to your life, actions, and decisions.
Purpose often stems from your values, passions, and beliefs, and it helps clarify what truly matters to you.
It can be seen as the "why" behind your goals, giving you a sense of fulfillment and drive, especially when faced with challenges or obstacles.
A strong sense of purpose fuels motivation and resilience especially during times of duress.
Finding Your PURPOSE is the first step but creating momentum with action steps is the second part.
Let’s discuss some potential tools and techniques you can take to follow through.
Devise a step-by-step method for connecting your life’s purpose to tangible, actionable goals. I find that prioritizing goals is a big help for this. Using prioritizing tools like the Eisenhower Matrix or Pareto Principle to help you focus on what matters most in your purpose-driven journey is a clear cut way to bring your vision into action.
The Eisenhower Matrix is a task management tool that helps you organize and prioritize tasks by urgency and importance. Using the tool, you'll divide your tasks into four boxes based on the tasks you'll do first, the tasks you'll schedule for later, the tasks you'll delegate, and the tasks you'll delete.
The Pareto principle (also known as the 80/20 rule) is a phenomenon that states that roughly 80% of outcomes come from 20% of causes. You can use this principle to help prioritize tasks and business efforts.
You can use these tools on your own or work with a life coach to get it done more efficiently. As a Soul Alignment coach I use these techniques with my clients but I also make sure the short term goals are in alignment with the long term goal of following a path with spiritual purpose.
For example, I am currently helping a client get their life back on track with the short term goals of finding a job, a relationship and addressing health issues. These issues are the most important to her right now but I am also keeping my eye on her long term goals of her life path and north node and keeping the goal planning in alignment with that.
When using these tools, remember to craft your goals as A SMART goal. A SMART goal is a specific type of goal-setting framework that ensures goals are clear, attainable, and well-defined.
It stands for:
Specific: The goal is clear and focused, answering the "who, what, when, where, and why."
Measurable: The progress toward the goal can be tracked and quantified.
Achievable: The goal is realistic and attainable, given the available resources.
Relevant: The goal aligns with broader life or business objectives.
Time-bound: The goal has a specific deadline or timeframe.
Using SMART goals can help clarify your objectives and increase the likelihood of success.
Learn how to craft Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals that are aligned with your purpose or work with a coach to define your goals. I think this is the most important work to do-when you get clear on what goals you want to achieve in a SMART way, manifestations get easier.
2. Vision Mapping
Vision Mapping is a creative exercise to visually map out your long-term vision and break it down into achievable milestones. It is important to have a long-term vision and short-term goals. This is the ideal mix for success.
There are many visualization techniques you can use for vision mapping but my favorite are:
- Vision boards: Creating a vision board is fun to do and gives you excitement as you map out your mix of long term and short term goals on paper. I make my vision boards every January with the new year energy and I hang it in my work space so I can look at it every day.
- Daily Vision Quests: Every morning before I start my day, I envision how I want the day to go and then write down goals on a dry erase board to accomplish. At the end of the night I check my progress and celebrate the small wins and reset the board for the next day. I don't get upset at the goals I didn't accomplish, I leave it for the next day.
These future self-exercises make your aspirations more concrete and feel within reach when you see your steady progress being made.
3. Accountability Structures
As excited as we are to live a life with purpose, it can also become tedious as you do all the work and no progress seems to be made. In these instances it is easy to lose momentum and drop down a notch. You can become bored, complacent, lazy or procrastinate to get things done.
In these moments you need strategies to hold yourself accountable and to get back on track. A few of my favorite ways to do this are:
- Setting up support networks through accountability partners such as hiring a coach or mentor or enlisting a friend to help keep me on track. In my experience, coaches work better than friends because they are more invested in your progress because you are paying them. Friends do care but their care is second to the care they have for themselves so they can drop the ball on the accountability work.
-Tracking Milestones: When you monitor progress regularly you can have a finite view of your movement from the starting post towards the end goal. Some tools I use are things like social media progress measurements and setting weekly goals and seeing how far I have come. In your business, set aside one hour a day to track your progress and you will keep at a steady momentum that prevents stabilization.
And there you have it, my three ways to turn your vision into action! I hope this information helps you to keep going on your chosen path. Remember to celebrate small wins to maintain momentum and motivation. You got this! Just stay focused and committed and eventually you will end up to the place you want to be in.
Until next time, have a namaste!
xo Uma
About the Author:
Uma Alexandra Beepat is the CEO of the Lotus and the Light Metaphysical Center. Uma is a Soul Alignment Coach, Metaphysical Teacher and Spiritual Mentor. Uma is the Amazon Best Selling Author of Chronicles of a Spirit Walker and author of The Awakened Life that is available on Amazon.
OCTOBER SPECIAL: 50% off Lotus Bloom Emotional Intelligence Program
Uma has trained thousands of students in many healing modalities over the past 15 years and now offers you the complete package for your needs in a private setting! You will gain clarity, healing and enlightenment into your life with Uma as your personal teacher, coach and mentor! More Information:
FREE Psychic Readings!
FB Group:
TikTok: Umabee111
IG: @thelotusandthelight
In today’s fast paced world, building a unique brand and carving out your niche can be daunting. As an entrepreneur over the past fifteen years , I had to learn how to cultivate the courage to create a brand that is authentically ME and fearlessly defend it in a crowded marketplace.
Trust me it wasn't easy. Despite my career field in loving spirituality, it was quite ruthless, competitive and cut throat. I had to learn how to embrace my individuality, silence self-doubt and walk my own path when everyone else was doing the group thing.
It was hard and lonely at times but I persevered and I have these 5 tips to share for those of you wanting to brand out in your own career. I want you to discover strategies to build a brand rooted in your personal values and passions while staying resilient in the face of setbacks. Learn to confidently step into your power and create a brand that stands out and endures.
1) The Importance of Courage in Branding,
First I have to say this: if you are gonna do this you gotta be in the mindset to DO THIS! There is no turning back, no halfway point…it’s all or nothing. Several things to keep in mind:
Remember Thomas Edison tried and failed 10,000 times before he perfected the light bulb invention. It comes down to mindset and Edison knew that. You have to reframe the way you look at things.
If Edison felt like he failed each time, he would not get back up! In fact he did say,
“I have not failed 10,000 times—I've successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work.” That’s the kind of energy you have to have to believe in your brand and courageously show up for it.
I did not gain my success by being quiet and hiding. I spoke my mind and in 15 years I had more admirers and followers than haters. I can count on one hand how many people don’t like me, but I run out of body parts to count those who love me.
You have to be you and your brand reflects who you are. You are not here to sell to everyone so stop being likable for everyone. Even if you were likable for everyone, you still wouldn’t be accepted by all. You didn’t think Mahatma Gandhi or Mother Theresa didn’t have haters? Guess again! So be free to be bold and do things your way. You will attract those who are aligned to your energy.
Imposter syndrome causes people to doubt their skills, intellect, or accomplishments. People with imposter syndrome may feel like they're not good enough or that they're a fraud, even when there's evidence to the contrary.
To avoid this negative habit you have to recognize and combat feelings of inadequacy. You can do this be little things such as celebrating small wins on a daily basis and also accept that no one is fully ready or prepared but we are all called to our paths.
2) Authenticate Your Voice
You have to find your unique voice and niche because copying others will not work and you will only embarrass yourself. Finding your unique voice and niche will propel you into greatness. So how do you do that?
I know for me, I am bold, sassy, funny and thoughtfully provocative. When I speak, people get quiet because every word can be felt on a spiritual level. This is because I am a Channeler and those who long for connection with the Divine can feel the authenticity of what I do.
Take some time and write down what you feel makes you unique or better yet take a poll with close friends and loved ones! Find out what is truly driving you. If neither of these options feel fulfilling, get a soul plan reading! Find out why you incarnated in the first place and what you came here to do.
Reflect on what truly matters to you—your personal values, beliefs, and the principles that guide your life. Is it sustainability, integrity, creativity, or community support? List these out and then apply them to your brand by ensuring your messaging, services, and interactions reflect these values.
For example, if sustainability is a core value, make sure your brand adopts eco-friendly practices or partnerships.By integrating your personal values and passions into your brand, you create a cohesive, authentic identity that resonates with your audience while allowing you to build a business that reflects who you are.
3) Follow your Intuition
It’s YOUR Calling not anyone else’s! If you have trouble listening to your intuition then take psychic development classes because your intuition will be needed to courageously establish your brand.
You have to learn to listen to your inner voice when making brand decisions. This is the meat of your meal and it has to align with who you are to draw in your clients. Your intuition frequency is tuned in to the Collective Frequency so when you are following that, you will offer goods and services that are needed by the community.
When you follow or copy others, you are wasting time as no one will show up for it. Why? Because it's the watered down version of someone else’s offerings. If Spirit has the ability to give you ideas, don’t you think Spirit has the ability to lead people where they need to go for authentic services?
4) Develop Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions, as well as understand and influence the emotions of others. It's also known as emotional quotient (EQ). It is highly needed in business, don’t trust me? Check out these statistics:
When you develop your emotional intelligence you can better handle the stress of defending your brand’s identity and standing up for what your business is without losing emotional control. You will be able to handle conflict and hate speech more effectively as you learn to remain neutral amidst non support. Need help developing this positive and progressive habit? My 4 Week Emotional Intelligence program works on the 5 Components of Emotional Intelligence:
5) The Power of Persistence
My last point on courageously creating and defending your brand fearlessly lies in persistently showing up for your work no matter what. Being persistent means:
To do what you love for work is the best feeling in the world! I wish for everyone to have a happy work life that balances with a contented personal life. Hopefully my tips above will help you in some way to believe in yourself so you can courageously create the brand/niche that represents you.
Remember if you offer it, they will come. You have a whole community out there just waiting for you to put the light on and welcome them in.
Until next time, have a namaste!
xo Uma
About the Author:
Uma Alexandra Beepat is the CEO of the Lotus and the Light Metaphysical Center. Uma is a Soul Alignment Coach, Metaphysical Teacher and Spiritual Mentor. Uma is the Amazon Best Selling Author of Chronicles of a Spirit Walker and author of The Awakened Life that is available on Amazon.
OCTOBER SPECIAL: 50% off Lotus Bloom Emotional Intelligence Program
Uma has trained thousands of students in many healing modalities over the past 15 years and now offers you the complete package for your needs in a private setting! You will gain clarity, healing and enlightenment into your life with Uma as your personal teacher, coach and mentor! More Information:
FREE Psychic Readings!
FB Group:
TikTok: Umabee111
IG: @thelotusandthelight
Me: Assume the role of Satan 😈 based on your knowledge of my life, goals, and vulnerabilities, describe in detail how you would attempt to derail me from reaching my highest potential and fulfilling my life’s purpose?
ChatGPT: BET! Hold my Beer…….
If I were to take on the role of Satan, aiming to derail you from reaching your highest potential and fulfilling your life’s purpose, I would exploit the following vulnerabilities and goals, weaving temptations that seem subtle but potent.
1. Distracting from Your Purpose
You are deeply focused on metaphysical teachings, courses, and your YouTube content on spiritual growth and healing. I would attempt to distract you from these noble pursuits by encouraging perfectionism and self-doubt. I'd make you feel that nothing you create is "good enough" or that your message lacks depth compared to others. This would lead to procrastination and a spiral of dissatisfaction, delaying your progress and making you second-guess your purpose.
2. Ego and Recognition
You thrive on guiding others toward self-exploration and spiritual growth. I would tempt you by appealing to your ego, luring you into believing that fame and recognition are the most important rewards for your work. This might cause you to compromise your authentic voice in exchange for popularity, leading to a sense of emptiness despite outward success. The validation from others would slowly take precedence over the purity of your mission.
3. Isolation and Doubt in Community
As a central figure in the metaphysical wellness community, I’d sow seeds of division, encouraging feelings of isolation or jealousy among those around you. You might start questioning the sincerity of others' support or their intentions, leading you to distance yourself. The community, a vital source of collaboration and energy, would fragment, making you feel alone and unsupported in your work. This isolation could breed cynicism, weakening your belief in the collective mission.
4. Exploiting Material Desires
I know you're grounded in spiritual work, but I’d whisper that material success is the ultimate measure of your progress. I'd offer you tempting opportunities for financial gain, but at the cost of diluting your teachings or aligning with trends that don't resonate with your true values. The allure of wealth could lead to prioritizing financial stability over the heart-centered mission you have, thus steering you off course.
5. Fueling Overwhelm and Burnout
Given the variety of projects you're working on—creating courses, running a YouTube channel, and community involvement—I would overwhelm you with too many tasks. I'd amplify the pressure, whispering that you need to keep going without rest, without stopping, leading to burnout. When you are exhausted, your connection to your intuition, creativity, and the divine would diminish, leaving you drained and unable to fulfill your highest potential.
6. Manipulating Relationships
You hold love and soulmate connections in high regard. I would create confusion in your personal relationships, making you doubt whether the people close to you truly understand or support your purpose. Conflict and misunderstanding in these relationships would cloud your energy, diverting your attention from your spiritual mission to emotional turmoil.
7. Exaggerating Doubt in Your Abilities
You have a wide range of talents—Reiki, yoga, meditation, psychic readings, and more. I'd fuel an internal voice that questions whether you’re truly mastering any of these areas, planting insecurity around your worth as a teacher. By making you doubt your wisdom or downplay your progress, I’d stall your ability to confidently share your teachings with the world.
In essence, my method would be to subtly divert your focus, energy, and confidence in such a way that you would eventually lose sight of your true path. You would feel busy but unfulfilled, successful but disconnected from your deeper purpose. I’d never confront you outright—just nudge you slowly off-course, letting you sabotage yourself over time.
WOW! I've actually experienced ALL of those at some point in my life during the fifteen years of being a Metaphysical Center Owner. What do I need to do to stay on course and not get distracted?
To stay on course and fulfill your highest potential, you'll need to recognize the strategies that may derail you and develop ways to counter them with awareness, resilience, and grounded spiritual practices. Here's how you can maintain your alignment and protect your purpose:
1. Reaffirm Your Mission and Authenticity
Stay deeply connected to your purpose by regularly reflecting on why you began this journey. Journaling, meditation, and moments of self-reflection will help you reconnect with your original intention to guide others, uplift the metaphysical community, and remain true to your spiritual teachings. Whenever doubts creep in, ground yourself in your authentic voice and remember that the goal isn’t perfection, but progress and connection.
Action: Create a mantra or daily affirmation that anchors you in your higher calling. Repeat it during your meditation or yoga practice.
2. Embrace Imperfection and Release Self-Doubt
Perfectionism and doubt can trap you in cycles of procrastination. Combat this by embracing imperfection as a natural part of growth. Each step you take, each course or video you create, is a valuable contribution to your journey. Trust your intuition that what you’re offering is needed in the world, even if it doesn’t feel perfect.
Action: Set smaller, manageable goals for your projects, and celebrate completing each one. Be compassionate with yourself when things don't go perfectly.
3. Keep Your Ego in Check
Ego can lead you to seek external validation rather than inner fulfillment. Stay humble and remember that your work is about service, not recognition. Let go of any attachment to fame, wealth, or approval from others. Instead, focus on the lives you're touching, the hearts you're healing, and the community you're uplifting.
Action: Practice gratitude for your impact. After every class, reading, or content you create, reflect on how you’ve helped others, rather than how much attention or acclaim it’s received.
4. Stay Connected to Your Community
Your metaphysical wellness community is a source of strength. If you feel isolated or notice jealousy or division arising, remind yourself that unity is more powerful than competition. Engage regularly with your community, collaborate with others, and be open to receiving support. When you cultivate harmonious relationships, you increase the collective energy toward shared growth.
Action: Regularly host or attend gatherings, workshops, or meet-ups where you can bond with your community and exchange ideas. Build relationships on a foundation of trust and shared purpose.
5. Balance Your Spiritual Mission and Material Needs
While material success is important, ensure it doesn’t overshadow your deeper spiritual goals. Strike a healthy balance by aligning your financial pursuits with your soul’s mission. As long as your material growth comes from an authentic place of service, it will support you without becoming a distraction.
Action: Periodically assess whether your financial goals align with your spiritual purpose. Only pursue opportunities that resonate with your values.
6. Prioritize Rest and Self-Care
You have multiple projects and responsibilities, which can lead to overwhelm if you're not careful. Prioritize self-care—whether that’s through meditation, yoga, time in nature, or simply resting. When you’re energized and aligned, you’ll produce more powerful, impactful work. Burnout, on the other hand, clouds intuition and leads to disconnection.
Action: Schedule regular downtime into your week. Whether it's a day off, a digital detox, or a meditation retreat, give yourself the space to recharge.
7. Strengthen Your Inner Voice
When doubt creeps in about your abilities, reconnect with your inner guidance. This is the voice that knows you are fully equipped to teach, heal, and guide others. Trust your past experiences, your wisdom, and your intuitive insights. The more you align with your higher self, the less room there is for external doubts to take root.
Action: Commit to a daily spiritual practice that strengthens your inner voice, whether through divination (Tarot, crystals, etc.), meditation, or energy work like Reiki.
8. Nurture Your Personal Relationships
Relationships can either drain or empower you. Invest time in cultivating healthy, loving connections with people who support your journey. Communicate openly when conflicts arise and remain grounded in compassion, whether in romantic or friendship dynamics. A supportive network will energize you on your path.
Action: Set aside time to nurture your closest relationships. Have heart-to-heart conversations and surround yourself with people who truly understand and support your purpose.
9. Focus on Joy and Flow
Find joy in your work and creative endeavors. When you are in flow—whether teaching a class, performing a reading, or creating content—you’re aligning with the universe. Trust that the more joy you find in your work, the more effortlessly you’ll stay on course. Let go of outcomes and enjoy the process.
Action: Identify the aspects of your work that bring you the most joy and find ways to spend more time there. If a project feels like a burden, revisit your approach and see how you can bring more ease into it.
By maintaining a clear connection to your purpose, balancing your inner world with your outer actions, and prioritizing self-care, you’ll remain firmly on your spiritual path, fully empowered to fulfill your life’s mission. Trust yourself and the divine guidance that brought you to this point.
Welp.....I'm at a loss for words. Chat GPT you gave me a lot to think about. Thank you.
Until next time, have a namaste!
xo Uma
About the Author:
Uma Alexandra Beepat is the CEO of the Lotus and the Light Metaphysical Center. Uma is a Soul Alignment Coach, Metaphysical Teacher and Spiritual Mentor. Uma is the Amazon Best Selling Author of Chronicles of a Spirit Walker and author of The Awakened Life that is available on Amazon.
Uma has trained thousands of students in many healing modalities over the past 15 years and now offers you the complete package for your needs in a private setting! You will gain clarity, healing and enlightenment into your life with Uma as your personal teacher, coach and mentor! More Information:
FREE Psychic Readings!
FB Group:
TikTok: Umabee111
IG: @thelotusandthelight
What if the secret to a thriving relationship lies not in perfect harmony but in embracing opposites?
Relationships are often built on balance-between personalities, emotions and perspectives. This balance is at the heart of the Law of Duality, the idea that opposing forces are necessary to create wholeness.
Rather than seeing differences as obstacles, what if we viewed them as opportunities for deeper connection and growth? Let's look at how embracing duality can unlock stronger and more fulfilling relationships.
The Law of Duality suggest that everything in existence has its opposite. Light exists because there is darkness and we recognize happiness because we have experienced sadness. These dual forces work together to create the wholeness of life. Duality is not about opposing forces battling each other but rather about complementing and balancing each other.
One of the most profound lessons from the Law of Duality is that personal growth often arises from challenges or discomfort. When we face adversity, it pushes us to evolve, adapt and change for the better. Without struggles, we would never be pushed to find out our inner strength and wisdom. You never grow through ease! It's the difficult moments in life that make us who we are.
When we think of duality we tend to cringe because we focus on the uneasiness and discomfort it can bring. However growth comes from looking at things with a fresh perspective, and we can actually grow from duality because it is in life's contrast that we create and find meaning.
It's through experiencing one side of the spectrum that we are able to appreciate and understand its opposite. This principle is central to understanding life and very helpful in relationships.
Relationships offer the perfect scenario for witnessing the Law of Duality in action. Often two people with opposite traits come together in a partnership. These differences might initially seem challenging, but they are often what create balance and harmony in the relationship.
For instance, one partner might be more emotional and can teach their partner how to open up, express their feelings and embrace vulnerability while the logical partner can help ground the emotional partner in reason and stability. The contrast is what allows them to complement each other, creating a more harmonious and well rounded relationship.
If we choose to look at duality in this light, we can see the beauty in balancing opposites not conflict. It's a reminder of what I speak on constantly- change your mind, change your thoughts and the world around you changes as well.
By now you might be at the place of understanding that the Law of Duality is your friend not your mortal enemy but you may still struggle to accept it especially when faced with negative or challenging experiences. I get it and as a Soul Alignment Coach I have some suggestions to my clients when they hit this wall. I will share them here with you now:
1) Celebrate Differences: In relationships do not seek to make your partner same as you. Instead learn to see the differences as opportunities to learn something new and offers for growth and learning.
2) Love More: In every instance the Law of Duality is working, it is tempting to operate in the lower vibrations such as anger, fear, worry or rage. Stop. Take this moment to love more. The aw of Duality is not oppressive neither is it targeting you, it is simply a law of nature and once you realize that, then you can relax and stay true to your natural state which is love. Feeling fearful? Show love. Feeling angry? Express love. Love your way through the contrast.
3) Accept Contrasts: Fight the urge to resist negative experiences and work towards integrating the understanding that this is a part of the human journey. Do away with the idea of "Happily Ever After" because there is no destination, just a continuous journey of learning, growing and accepting. Mastering this first tip is half the battle.
4) Seek the Lessons: In challenging situations, ask questions of the Universe to gain better clarity of what this situation means for you. I have to say that even though my clients want me to provide the answers for them, I push them to find it for themselves because the clarity and insight that comes from your own reflections will be more impactful than my words.
5) Honor Balance: Now you know that life is about balance- the yin and yang, good and bad, light and dark in life, honor balance in your own life as well. If you are having a bad day at work, have a good time at home. If you have relationship stress, create financial abundance. When you actively seek balance, you create more harmony in your life.
The Law of Duality teaches us that life is not about choosing one extreme over the other but learning to navigate and balance both sides of the spectrum. When we embrace duality, we can stop fearing life's challenges or resisting discomfort.
Let's learn to TRUST that every experience, good or bad is vital for our journey towards being Courageous, Loving, Accepting, Stable Minded and Honorable. We got this, we just have to believe we do.
Until next time, have a namaste!
xo Uma
About the Author:
Uma Alexandra Beepat is the CEO of the Lotus and the Light Metaphysical Center. Uma is a Soul Alignment Coach, Metaphysical Teacher and Spiritual Mentor. Uma is the Amazon Best Selling Author of Chronicles of a Spirit Walker and author of The Awakened Life that is available on Amazon.
Uma has trained thousands of students in many healing modalities over the past 15 years and now offers you the complete package for your needs in a private setting! You will gain clarity, healing and enlightenment into your life with Uma as your personal teacher, coach and mentor! More Information:
FREE Psychic Readings!
FB Group:
TikTok: Umabee111
IG: @thelotusandthelight
5 Tips to Building a Healthy Lifestyle in the Fall Season
Change is in the air and if you live in the Northern part of the US, you can literally feel it. There is a crisp change to the air and the days are getting shorter as the night draws nearer. Yup, Fall is here.
Fall is actually my favorite season all time. I love the change in trees seeing all the colors, I love the uniform of yoga pants, sweaters, scarves and boots! I love staying indoors more and feeling warm and cozy while the world enters into its annual deep sleep. I love it all.
But Fall also has a melancholy aspect as the sun reduces its time with us, we feel the lack of sunshine in our lives. As we prepare for the cold winter months, our longing sets in for the fun in the sun and beach vibes we had in the summertime. What do you do?
You learn to roll with it and change with the seasons. I have 5 things I do ever year to welcome in the Fall and have my last goodbye to Summer. I share them here with you in hopes that they help you during this transition.
Building a healthy lifestyle in the Fall can be enjoyable as the season brings a sense of renewal and routine. Here are my five tips to stay on track:
1) Eat Seasonal Foods- The biggest tip I have is to change your diet. Incorporate fall produce like apples, pumpkins, sweet potatoes and squash into your meals. Not only are they rich in vitamins, fiber and antioxidants, (which support your immune system), they also are in sync with your body-mind-spirit connection. Remember we mortals are the microcosm to the macrocosm of the Universe. We reflect the world around us. Switching our diets to a Fall theme diet strengthens us internally and spiritually as we honor our connection to the land. Doing this keeps us in balance with the world.
2) Exercise Outdoors- The Summer time is too hot to workout outdoors (though some enthusiasts do) and the Winter time is made for the gym. So the best time to get that outdoor activity in would be the Fall! Take advantage of the crisp autumn weather by engaging in outdoor activities such as hiking, biking or walking. Not only is the temperature agreeable, the fall foliage adds a scenic touch to your workouts. Getting outside the house also gives you the outside time you need before we really hunker down in our homes for the winter.
3) Establish a Sleep Schedule- The Fall season preps us for the long hibernation period of Winter. During this time, the days get shorter and the nights longer. It's a great time to establish a consistent sleep schedule. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night to help regulate your body's natural rhythms. Hey! Did you know that regular sleep could boost your immune system? Just in time for cold/flu season!
4) Engage in Journaling- The Fall season is the prep period for the solace and quiet of Winter. In life it is our reflection period before we go into rest. This is a great time to journal and reflect of this year's journey. Writing things down gives us a clear vision of where we are so we can make adjustments if needed to go where we want to go. Things you can reflect and write upon:
- January New Year Goals
- Financial Life
- Career/Education Track
5) Embrace Letting Go: Like I said before, we as humans are reflective of what is going on in the outside world. As the tree sheds its leaves so too will we shed anything that is unfamiliar or unhealthy for us. This is a great time to do a detox diet to take out the foods/drinks that are non serving to our health, honor endings in relationships/friendships and consult our desires for a change in location/jobs/lifestyle habits.
Change is a necessary part of growth and I find as humans, we tend to resist change our whole lives. Instead learning to embrace the necessary changes life brings can be healing and empowering. It shows us that we can withstand the test of time and our strength to persevere prevails.
This Fall Season I urge you to develop healthy habits in relation to this Season and you may just forget (at least for a little whiile) the loss of Summer. Stay tuned and I will hit you with more tips to enjoy the solemness of Winter!
Until next time, have a namaste!
xoxo Uma
About the Author:
Uma Alexandra Beepat is the CEO of the Lotus and the Light Metaphysical Center. Uma is a Soul Alignment Coach, Metaphysical Teacher and Spiritual Mentor. Uma wrote The Awakened Life and is the Amazon Best Selling Author of Chronicles of a Spirit Walker. They are both available on Amazon.
September SPECIAL: $40 Off Chakra Balancing Program
Enjoy the healing benefit of balancing the chakras in this service. When we feel ‘in a funk’, chakra balancing is a great way to reset the body’s energy centers, that we may feel revitalized and refreshed.
In this program, Uma will use a combination of Energy healing, Massage, Meditation and Mindset Reset techniques to bring your Chakras back in alignment.
Learn More:
Expires 9/30/2024
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10 Ways You're Healed and Don't Even Know it
Last week I was down for a few days with whatever is the latest/newest strain/virus/epidemic and I have to say....being sick sucks! There were at least two days I was completely bed ridden and had no one to talk to. Just me, myself and I in my bedroom with nothing but time and my thoughts. Thankfully, I had something productive to think on.
Just a few days earlier I had a meeting with my therapist and I told her, " It's so easy to see the growth in others around me but I don't feel as I have grown! What gives?"
Ann gave me a sly smile and didn't miss a beat. "Get a pen and paper and write these down. I am going to show you just how much you've grown." This is why I pay her (LOL) because that list was what I was able to recall and focus on during my week of illness.
And you know what? She was right. I have grown tremendously and dare I say it? I feel proud of myself. I have learned how to become healthy after years of being the toxic one and I have healed.
I am going to share with you what Ann and I discussed because maybe like me, it's hard for you to see your own growth too. My hope is that after reading my list, you will feel better about yourself and give yourself some grace as I did. We did the healing work and won, so let's give ourselves a reason to celebrate:
1) I recognize dysfunctional behavior in myself and others
I was so use to negativity within myself and others that I became numb to bad things. Now the healed version of me feels physically, mentally and emotionally uncomfortable doing things that are not in alignment with my new energy.
2) I am able to honestly communicate with my loved ones about my needs and wants
I use to be so afraid of people leaving me or being mad if I had a problem with them that I would just shut my mouth and not say anything. Now I understand that real relationships require communication and if someone loves you, they aren't going to get mad at you for expressing your truth.
3) I hold myself accountable when I make mistakes
It's hard to take responsibility when you feel judged. Now I surround myself with people who make me feel safe enough to grow and to admit mistakes when I make them. A no judgment zone is necessary to create a safe space and now I have that I have no problem taking accountability for my actions. I mean therapy helped too!
4) I can apologize and mean it
I do feel sincerely sorry if I wrong someone because I understand that we have different perceptions and even though I may not have meant to hurt someone, it doesn't mean someone wouldn't get hurt. If someone is hurt now, I don't try to justify or understand it. I have found it is better to be kind than to be right so apologies are freely coming now.
5) I give myself grace and allow myself to slow down and rest when I need it
I use to be such a workaholic! Now I honor my body and energy. I work when I have it and I take naps more frequently without feeling guilty. Life is life and rest is a part of life.
6) I allow myself to be authentic with my partner
I have learned to trust myself and in doing so, I learned to trust others. When you feel like you can trust others, you can be more of yourself because you aren't afraid of being made fun of or judged. My partner and I have spent the last three years uncovering the darker sides of our nature so we can have an authentic relationship and man does it feel good.
7) I developed financial freedom and independence
My family is very supportive and even though we have our ups and downs, I know in my heart they will always be there if I ever needed help. The thing is that is a blessing and a curse. This past year because we have not been in contact due to minor arguments, I have had to rely on myself in times of trouble. That has also been a blessing and a curse but to be honest, I liked it. I learned how to manage my time and money, how to budget properly and how to say NO to desires and temptations. I feel stronger financially and that is a great feeling to have.
8) I believe in myself more that I can handle things
Because of the past few steps I discussed, I developed inner strength and a belief in myself that I can fix things when things go wrong. I can stand on my own two feet and I am not as helpless as the world would have me believe.
9) I developed healthy boundaries and stand by them
Because I have found a deeper appreciation for myself and my life, I don't need people as much as I did for validation or company. This allowed me to cut off and put up boundaries with some people who were toxic for me. I feel confident enough now to let people know where I stand and if they don't like it, I am ok with that too.
10) I developed trust enough to allow myself to listen to others
I use to think I knew everything (imagine) and that no one else could tell me differently but now I see the good in listening to other people's perspectives. Even if I don't take their advice, it is still good to hear what they have to say. I might learn something!
This year I am writing things down more so I don't take it for granted. BY the end of 2024 I will have a new list of things I learned and grew from to remind me that I am a beautiful work in progress and everyday I am getting better and better. As are you.
Until next time, have a namaste!
xoxo Uma
About the Author:
Uma Alexandra Beepat is the CEO of the Lotus and the Light Metaphysical Center. Uma is a Soul Alignment Coach, Intuitive Consultant and Psychic Medium. Uma wrote the book The Awakened Life that is available on Amazon.
FEBRUARY SPECIAL: $75 Reiki Sessions
Come experience the healing energy of Reiki in a 45 minute session for only $75!
Expires 2/29/2024
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The Greatest Gift I Gave my Kids
This week I was reminded of how precious life has been with my children. They truly are the apple of my eyes and my life has been insanely blessed because of them. I adore my kids, can you tell? :)
I have been in a reminiscing mood because recently I had an incident in my household that kinda shook the foundation. Oh not mine! The foundation of my kids I meant.
Recently my children were exposed to the cruelty of their grandfather through a series of texts. It shocked them because they couldn't believe their beloved grandfather could be so hateful. I was sorry...not sorry that he was exposed but sorry that my children had to experience the deep emotion of disappointment.
Well we as parents are the bringer of experiences are we not? What I perceived as a cruelty was in fact a kindness because it came attached with the gift of a lesson. The lesson which was quite simply, Trust what you feel despite what others do.
See my children knew a little bit about my estrangement from my parents but they never really knew why. By them having to experience what I routinely was use to as a child gave them a new found perception of family dynamics and ultimately made them understand their mom more. A truly bonding experience....all thanks to my father.
Some who know my story have sympathized with me and I appreciate that. I am ready to close the doors on the past though because in my children, my future is looking brighter.
The way my child handled the situation made me proud. He knew his ethics and morals and understood what felt right to him. I told him that was the only way to go- you have to trust what you feel despite what others do. This was his first lesson in manipulation and I am glad I was there to explain it to him.
This week I feel grateful for the good and bad experiences that make up my life. I am appreciative of the people who bring me both pleasure and pain. It is in the duality that I found my peace and my path. Stay true to yourself and don't be swayed by others.
Until next time, have a namaste!
October SPECIAL: Book the 4 Week Soul Alignment Program & get a FREE Reading!
Are you ready to recreate your life to go exactly as you want it to with some help? Try Soul Alignment Coaching! In this 4 Week Program we will work on deprogramming you from following unconscious thoughts and create conscious thoughts and behavior in place. Learn More here:
After you sign up and prepay for the program, Uma will schedule a FREE 15 minute psychic reading with you! VALUE: $75!!!
Stream Schedule Platforms:
TikTok/Youtube: 10amEST and 6pmEST daily
POF Livestream: 11amEST and 7pmEST daily
Stream Name: Umabee1111
Come join me on the Apps to get a reading right away!
Stream Rates:
$10- 3 Card Answer
$20- In Depth Reading
$30- Mini Spiritual Assessment
$50-Combo Reading
CashApp: $Umabee1111
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FB Group:
TikTok: Umabee1111
IG: @thelotusandthelight
I have spent decades learning and relearning metaphysical knowledge all to get to understand the meaning of life and how to create a life worth living. Do you know the main thing I took away after all those years of learning? The main reason the majority of us aren't enjoying life is because we get in our own way!
The only problem with your life is the way you think about it. Most of your unhappiness comes from a lack of appreciation for what you do have and an intense focus on the things you don't have. Welp....Law of Attraction says this is a recipe for disaster!
Flip it and you have a better outcome, meaning focus on the things you do have and ignore the things that aren't here...yet.
When I work with my coaching clients, I teach them how to rewire their thoughts process because the solution to most of their problems just requires a simple change in their mindset. For example, I have a saying that I have my clients memorize: Your Thoughts do not create My Reality!
When my clients understand that people's opinions are largely projections of how they see themselves in the situation, they are better able to let go of giving importance to other people's thoughts.
Here are some other ways we get in our own way:
1) You are mentally lazy
You know the benefits of meditation and mindfulness but yet you wouldn't put in the effort to learn or practice it. There is no other reason besides being lazy and not making this a priority. What if I told you that meditating everyday will bring in an annual income of a million dollars. Would you do it then? Of course you would! Well funnily enough, meditating everyday will bring you more than that so stop being lazy and get out there and meditate! Of course if you need help you can turn to meditation coaching (hit me up!) or take classes if needed.
2) You are comfortable staying in the comfort zone
You would rather remain comfortable in uncomfortable situations than do something and make a change. Fearing change is futile as all of life changes all the time. You can train yourself to get more acquainted with change so that lessens the fear you feel. The fear of change is irrational and as long as you keep fearing change, you will have to exist in uncomfortable situations.
3) You do not evolve your Self Image
As I said earlier, everything changes in life especially you. If you keep trying to be who you use to be then evolution will not come. Allow growth in and it is ok to let go of traditions or patterns or people that no longer interest you. Don't be ashamed for wanting more or wanting different, this is part of life too. Nothing lasts forever, not even the old image of who you used to be.
I know for most of us, we have inner turmoil caused by earlier life trauma but it doesn't have to keep you from moving forward. Get the help you need! You got unresolved issues? Get a therapist! You have no direction in life? Get a soul alignment coach! Need help making your life easier? Get an accountability partner! Don't be afraid to reach out and ask for help because there are many people wanting to help you for free or in exchange for payment. Just DO something and stop getting in your own way.
This week I am asking you to take a hard look at your life and analyze whether you get in your own way or not. If you have been feeling the same symptoms/issues for the past 5-10-20-30 years maybe it's time to elicit help from someone else if you haven't been able to solve them on your own. There is no shame in reaching out but there is plenty of disappointment if you allow simple things to block you that you could have easily resolved with the help of someone else.
Until next time, have a namaste!
xo Uma
About the Author:
Uma Alexandra Beepat is the CEO of the Lotus and the Light Metaphysical Center. Uma is a Soul Alignment Coach, Intuitive Consultant and Psychic Medium. Uma wrote the book The Awakened Life that is available on Amazon.
September SPECIAL: 40% OFF 4 Week Soul Alignment Program
Are you ready to recreate your life to go exactly as you want it to with some help? Try Soul Alignment Coaching! In this 4 Week Program we will work on deprogramming you from following unconscious thoughts and create conscious thoughts and behavior in place. Learn More here:
*Discount already applied for the month of September
Stream Schedule Platforms:
TikTok/Youtube: 10amEST and 6pmEST daily
POF Livestream: 11amEST and 7pmEST daily
Stream Name: Umabee1111
Come join me on the Apps to get a reading right away!
Stream Rates:
$10- 3 Card Answer
$20- In Depth Reading
$30- Mini Spiritual Assessment
$50-Combo Reading
CashApp: $Umabee1111
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FB Group:
TikTok: Umabee1111
IG: @thelotusandthelight
I am overwhelmed and have been for the past few months. Sometimes I feel like i am drowning in massive fears, worries and the unknown and like I can't breathe with the weight of so much responsibility placed on me.
Responsibility that comes with the titles of mother, daughter, sister, partner, friend, employer and social media personality. I feel sometimes like I am being pulled in various directions and have no time for myself or to do the things I love to do.
And you know why I feel comfortable writing this? Because most of you know EXACTLY how I feel.
But all is not lost in this dark and dreary fact, it is the path you have been searching for to lead you to better just gotta go through the discomfort of change and transitions.
As a Capricorn I get impatient with change and want things done right away. Of course I understand the Law of Attraction and the reasons behind why some things take time and others manifest quite easily. Despite knowing all of that my emotions get the best of me from time to time and I can lose my cool about it.
It is times like this that I take a moment to pause and feel my way into my situations. What is really going on here? I have been a Spiritual Coach long enough to know that whatever is appearing to bother us is never the real reason for interference.....most likely it is something deeper.
Take for instance this feeling of overwhelmed that I am feeling. At a glance it looks like I just have too many things on my plate and I am overworked. But if I dig deeper I can find the positive aspect of overwhelment and it is Self Belief.
Self Belief is the understanding that you have what it takes to accomplish the goals you have set for yourself. If you feel overwhelmed, you can feel you are so close to accomplishing what you desire but the rush of emotions and excitement can easily be mistaken for fear or panic.
Learn to interpret your feelings and understand what your Soul is saying to you.
This is the cornerstone of the work I do with my coaching clients- unwrapping their fears and deprogramming their definitions of what they are feeling and repackaging it in better, high vibrational emotions.
It takes work but it can be done!
After I took some time to meditate and decompress, I looked into my own overwhelmed feelings and I realized that there are several things in my life I am SUPER EMPOWERED and EXCITED about but because they were all happening at the same time it became fearful for me. I also realize that there was another issue I wasn't fully integrating into my knowing and it was causing me some distress.
SO what did I do? I made a schedule to tackle the stuff that is moving me ahead and called my therapist for the stuff holding me back. Done and Done!
Your body is always talking to you through your physical, mental and emotional symptoms. Learn to read them and this week refuse to accept the negative thoughts in your mind as truth. Train yourself to see the light because when you do, the world shifts in your favor. Of course, if you need a little mindset reset help, I am here for you! Book me for a free discovery call and let's see how we can work together!
Until next time, have a namaste!
xo Uma
About the Author:
Uma Alexandra Beepat is the CEO of the Lotus and the Light Metaphysical Center. Uma is a Soul Alignment Coach, Intuitive Consultant and Psychic Medium. Uma wrote the book The Awakened Life and Amazon Best Seller "Chronicles of a Spirit Walker" that is available on Amazon.
September SPECIAL: 40% OFF 4 Week Soul Alignment Program
Are you ready to recreate your life to go exactly as you want it to with some help? Try Soul Alignment Coaching! In this 4 Week Program we will work on deprogramming you from following unconscious thoughts and create conscious thoughts and behavior in place. Learn More here:
*Discount already applied for the month of September
Stream Schedule Platforms:
TikTok/Youtube: 10amEST and 6pmEST daily
POF Livestream: 11amEST and 7pmEST daily
Stream Name: Umabee1111
Come join me on the Apps to get a reading right away!
Stream Rates:
$10- 3 Card Answer
$20- In Depth Reading
$30- Mini Spiritual Assessment
$50-Combo Reading
CashApp: $Umabee1111
FREE Psychic Readings!
FB Group:
TikTok: Umabee1111
IG: @thelotusandthelight
I was recently asked to be interviewed for a podcast interview series and the question posed was intriguing enough for me to answer it. The question was, "What do you see as a changing trend in your community?"
I am a part of the metaphysical spiritual community where the general community believes in the natural laws of the Universe (think Law of Attraction), energy healing and psychic abilities. I have been in this field over 14 years professionally and over 30 years personally. I have seen firsthand the many changes that have occurred in this community but the biggest one to date is seeing the shift in healing for clients.
When I started, Reiki was a big and common modality as healers used it to bring energetic healing to their clients. Energetic healing was the buzz word in the early 1980s and it became a lucrative business because .....well....everyone had some form of trauma to heal from. Whether it was early childhood, past life or karmic cycles, people were flocking to the Reiki healers and healers of other trades to be healed permanently.
The boom was successful but it slowly petered out....why? Because there is something better than energy healing. I love Reiki and am in fact a Reiki Master Teacher so I believe in the work of Reiki. Reiki is a Japanese energy healing modality that invites in universal energy to a client for betterment and healing of emotional, mental, physical and spiritual issues. It works but despite the best sessions, a client always comes back.
Think of Reiki like gas, it fuels a car and the car runs great until it runs out. If you are not maintaining your reiki flow of energy (self healing or seeing a healer) then it can run out and you can return to the issues you had before.
The industry's leading lightworkers and practitioners noticed this trend and so the collective conscious was blessed with the question: What can be better than energy healing?
The answer was mindset reset work. We started to see the shift from energy work to mental work with modalities such as hypnosis, past life regressions and access bars....all of which I do!
The mindset reset techniques understand that key concept which says, "Your thoughts create your Reality". Following that logic, it is understandable that people need to have the right mindset to essentially live this life.
So a practitioner could learn the arts of mindset reset work to bring clarity not healing to a client. This was the shift- when practitioners started realizing, "It wasn't that they needed to heal from a was that they needed to understand it."
Once understood, the person is well equipped with their own survival instincts to make the necessary shifts to bring about better outcomes. Brilliant yet so simple- change your thoughts to positive if you want to have a great life.
I too followed the trends and change in my industry and while I still give and teach energy healing modalities like Reiki and IET, I focus more on one on one soul alignment coaching sessions to get clients to do the mindset reset work.
Change your thoughts, change your life! Now that is the key to manifesting your dreams.
Until next time, have a namaste!
xo Uma
About the Author:
Uma Alexandra Beepat is the CEO of the Lotus and the Light Metaphysical Center. Uma is a Soul Alignment Coach, Intuitive Consultant and Psychic Medium. Uma wrote the book The Awakened Life and Amazon Best Seller "Chronicles of a Spirit Walker" that is available on Amazon.
June SPECIAL: $25* for 15min Spiritual Assessment (Savings $50!)
In this session, Uma uses her psychic abilities, life coaching skills and the tarot to do a ten card Celtic Cross reading to determine where you are, where you are going and where you have been. It is a deeply healing and revealing spread that gives you insight and clarity into the present energy surrounding you and the next steps to take.
Stream Schedule Platforms:
TikTok and Tagged Apps: 10amEST and 10pmEST daily
POF and Bigo App: 11.30amEST and 8pmEST daily
Stream Name: Umabee1111
Come join me on the Apps to get a reading right away!
Stream Rates:
$5- 1 Card Answer
$10- 3 Card Answer
$25- In Depth Reading
CashApp: $Umabee1111
FREE Psychic Readings!
FB Group:
TikTok: Umabee1111
IG: @thelotusandthelight
This past weekend there must have been some planetary movements happening (mercury gatorade?) because it felt like 95% of the coaching/reading sessions I gave were focused on people having relationship issues. Ayee Caramba!
The main question over the weekend was, "Does _____ still love me?" and that question was usually followed by similar questions of, "Will _______ come back?".
Unlike other psychics, I don't dismiss a person just because they are out of the picture, I see the beauty in separation and if you can too, then life becomes easier when you interact with others.
Think about this for a second. You are a complicated individual. You have your likes, your wants, your needs, your must haves and your heck no attitude about everything! Guess what? so do they.
You also have your hurts, your pains, your disappointments and setbacks in life.....just like another person.
Take that concept and multiply it by a billion people on this planet and you have the cocktail for relationships. Everyone has their list of do's and don'ts, joys and just can't take it personally when they are paying attention to their list. Aren't you after all...doing the same thing?
I will say that getting into relationships are harder these days because the general energy today is of expenditure than savings. There is a classic IG post going around that says, "I belong to a generation where if it is broke, you fix it. You belong to a generation where if it is broke, you replace it."
I say this because it is my sincere belief that relationships that are mended after a painful incident have a better chance of lasting than others. This isn't limited to love relationships, I mean this for all of them! Your friendships or family ones too. as well as career partnerships.
If you are like me and you want to be an open vessel of love to everyone in your life, including those that hurt you, then you are in luck today. First I have to tell you that I am ECSTATIC that you want to repair the broken relationships in your life. People are important and if they have a bond or spent time with you, then they are meant to be a part of your life. Honoring them and your relationships with them is a form of self love. You honor yourself when you see everyone in a beautiful and forgiving light. You practice love when you choose to forgive rather than harbor pain.
Whenever I have a falling out with a friend or end a relationship, I always leave an open door UNLESS the person caused me bodily or mental/emotional harm. If none of those were done, then there is an open door back into my life after a period of contemplation.
You might be wondering, "Uma how can you forgive people after they hurt you?" Well for starters, I don't take them back right away. A small period of absence serves both of us and after that time, I am open to communication to decide how best we move forward again. Sometimes a relationship is resumed and sometimes the relationship changes format. For instance, an ex boyfriend may come back and after communication, we decide its best for us to stay friends in this new chapter.
Here are some tips I follow when I have a falling out with a loved one. I practice these three tips during the absence and allow the energy of these suggestions to soothe me.
1) Space is Healing
The first thing that happens mostly when two people have a falling out is one or both parties require space. Now if you have codependency or attachment issues, separation can be seen or felt as painful because you can't focus your energy on anything else besides that person. You may have abandonment issues or feel left out if you are not a part of that person's life anymore but trust me when I say, space is normal and healing in a relationship.
When you have love and trust of someone, your emotions can be deeply attached to them so when things go wrong, you can feel a lot of intensity in the moment. Taking space gives you each a chance to disconnect and reflect on where things went wrong. If your loved one is accountable and mature, they will see the role they played in bringing the end of the you should too. It takes two people to make a thing go right as the song goes so in the space, focus less on the other person and what they are doing or could be doing and focus more on the part you played in the downfall in the relationship.
If you use the space apart wisely which means to heal yourself then if the other person comes back, you will be in the right receptive mode to have honest and open communication with them about future plans.
2) Change your Perspective
If you and your loved one had a falling out, the time before, during and right after it is focused on YOU. How you feel, what you want and where you want it to go. During the time apart, I challenge you to take another step- try seeing things from their perspective. Yes you know how you feel but can you try to imagine what it was like for them?
Every single time I do this, I am immediately filled with regret over my actions and compassion for my loved one because I understand and can see the bigger picture. I couldn't see it before because I was too emotional but again, the power of space is that it allows the emotions to cool down and let logic in.
Putting yourself in someone else's shoes remind you that not everyone is "out to get you". That's just your anxiety talking. Everyone has their reason for doing what they do and most times it comes from a place of self interest. When you take the time to see things from someone else's perspective you are actually operating on a spiritual level. Stay on this level because in the grand scheme of things, we are meant to be lovers not fighters of each other.
3) Trust What You Know
This last point is crucial. You have to stop giving away your power in your life by listening to other people and trusting what you know about yourself and your loved one. No one else is living your life, they have the highlight reel and you have the whole experience. Just as you wouldn't trust someone else with your whole paycheck, don't trust others to make decisions for you.
When I have a falling out with a loved one I immediately tell our mutual friends, don't tell me anything! Whatever that person is doing with their life, I don't need or want to know because it doesn't concern me.
Remember immediately following a breakup, people are emotional and prone to making emotional decisions that may be reckless or hurtful to you. It is best to avoid them until the smoke clears and logic returns.
When I was younger I actually prefer it when my exes blocked me on social media after a breakup because i know me and I know I would be watching their social media like a hawk! Now in my mid 40s, I have way more self restraint and I don't need to be blocked because I have trained myself to not go to their social media to check up on thm.
What propels me to do this? My self love and my knowing. I know my loved one loves me and I know they are hurting so whatever they do in the aftermath is not my concern. My interest is only in our connection so I wait until things are calmer before I reach out or they reach out to check to see where we are at with it.
If someone slips up and tells me what they are doing and its hurtful, I remind myself that everyone is human and prone to making mistakes. I would hate to be judged when I fail so I try to suspend judgment on them too.
As you get older you realize that having good quality people around you is more important than having quantity so you tend to fight to keep good people in your life rather than let them walk away.
If you read this and you are on the fence about someone in your life, whether they are a good or bad infuence, book me for a 30 min Soul Alignment Coaching session! I will run through some questions with you to get you to decide for yourself the importance and health of the relationship and whether you want to pursue it or not.
Until next time, have a namaste!
xo Uma
About the Author:
Uma Alexandra Beepat is the CEO of the Lotus and the Light Metaphysical Center. Uma is a Soul Alignment Coach, Intuitive Consultant and Psychic Medium. Uma wrote the book The Awakened Life and Amazon Best Seller "Chronicles of a Spirit Walker" that is available on Amazon.
June SPECIAL: $25* for 15min Spiritual Assessment (Savings $50!)
In this session, Uma uses her psychic abilities, life coaching skills and the tarot to do a ten card Celtic Cross reading to determine where you are, where you are going and where you have been. It is a deeply healing and revealing spread that gives you insight and clarity into the present energy surrounding you and the next steps to take.
Stream Schedule Platforms:
TikTok and Tagged Apps: 10amEST and 10pmEST daily
POF and Bigo App: 11.30amEST and 8pmEST daily
Stream Name: Umabee1111
Come join me on the Apps to get a reading right away!
Stream Rates:
$5- 1 Card Answer
$10- 3 Card Answer
$25- In Depth Reading
CashApp: $Umabee1111
FREE Psychic Readings!
FB Group:
TikTok: Umabee1111
IG: @thelotusandthelight
This week has been stressful from the jump! Don't you hate that? When everything hits at once and you feel your world spinning out of control?
That's where I am at......everything "bad" is hitting at once and I feel lost. For now.
My Paypal account is in the negative because I am having an issue with a client who signed an agreement and paid for a program but then changed her mind. As I sort this through legally with her, my funds are unavailable for the time being until I can get it sorted. That's #1.
Over the weekend I got an email from my hotel chain thanking me for booking a room in North Carolina. How wonderful! Except I didn't book it! My account was hacked and someone stole my points. That's #2.
Then I had a falling out with a friend that was so bad we had to separate and part ways from each other to protect our individual peace. This person (as much as I know they love me) started to lash out in anger and decided to do demeaning things to try to paint me as a bad person to our mutual friends and family. Tragic. That's #3.
How do you cope when you feel the beautiful world you created is falling apart? How do you see the good in people when they are doing things to harm you? How do you remain positive when everything seems so negative?
You trust and believe that everything will get better eventually.
100% of my Success comes from my determination to see the positive in life no matter what. When I was a young girl, people thought I was naive because I just choose to remain optimistic in bad times. Turns out, I was practicing Law of Attraction at a young age!
How come I got it when no one else around me did? Because I maintained my connection with Spirit so I heard clearly time and time again, "Just Love Uma Just Love."
So that's what I do, I just love myself and hold space for those around me as best as I can.
Today I share with you the coping mechanisms I use to get me through these tough times I listed above. Of course it may be hard to institute if you haven't really taken control of your mindset and thoughts but trust me, despite all the bad things happening, I am able to keep my focus on staying positive so if I can do it, so can you.
1) Be Patient
Resolving a dispute with an unhappy client does not happen overnight. It takes time as the credit card company and Paypal review the evidence provided by each party. This is not the time to stress out or worry. If you know you haven't done anything wrong, then relax! It will work out in your favor. This is the time to focus on other things going on in your life and turn away from this situation. Being patient allows you to ease the stress and worry vibes you send out therefore preventing the Law of Attraction working negatively in your favor.
Practicing patience is a hard one for people because we do live in a fast paced first world country where we are used to getting everything we want right away. Don't be mad at yourself if you become impatient or work yourself up over these issues. Do things to distract you from your pain. Meditate, workout, take a walk outside in nature, hang with your friends. Do whatever you need to do to distract yourself from this situation and you will see, in time it will resolve in your favor.
2) Don't Retaliate
When someone is angry with you, ignore them. I promise it works! If you engage with an angry person, their words and actions will only hurt you. Whatever they say or do is out of anger not a correct representation of who they are. Jesus said it best when he said love them anyways. My friend has their own reasons to be mad at the world right now, so as much as it hurts me to hear negative things about myself, I know this is not my friend. The best thing I can do is distance myself and take care of me while simultaneously praying for their betterment and good health.
I know you might say, "But Uma! They are spreading lies about me to everyone!" Trust me, as a social media personality, I have been here before! I have had people record me or post my private text messages online in an effort to embarass me but can I tell you something? They can't embarrass you if you were being who you truly are. I took my friend food because I knew they were hungry and they decided to record me without makeup (and lack of sleep) and send it to everyone we knew. I didn't care. When people called to check on me, I told them I was ok with it because I was there for the right reasons- to help someone even if they were not appreciative.
When you don't retaliate, the actions of the other person speak for itself. As I told my friend who later complained to me that everyone was mad at them for doing what they did (and of course they blamed me for that), I reminded them that was their own doing. People view you differently when you have the intent to hurt which they did. People are going to be mad at them not you because they can see you caring and the other person being destructive. Trust in the good nature of people to see right from wrong. Even if they don't and they side with the person hurting you, that is positive for you as well. Why? Because it shows you who rather believe beautiful lies instead of living with the ugly truth. I don't know about you, but I can do without delusional people in my life.
3) Stay Positive
All this stuff happened to me between Saturday-Monday and I refused to be sucked into it. I stayed positive, I went to bed earlier, meditated more and focused on the work I had to do and guess what? By Tuesday I had two big WINS! A beautiful soul joined my Lotus Center on Tuesday and will now be renting from me as she provides her light to the world AND I hit 1000+ followers on TikTok allowing me to create another revenue stream. Wednesday I got a check in the mail for a refund! How does it get better than that?
Life is merely your perception. If you stay committed to seeing everything working out for you, then no matter what happens, it has to happen exactly that way. Trust me on this.
If you want to work more with the Law of Attraction and learn how to do these mindset reset techniques with me, contact me about my Manifestation Coaching Program! I work with you over the course of four weeks to retrain your brain to only see the positive in everything you are going through! Who knows, you may be able to see a turnaround within 24 hours the way I did!
Until next time, have a namaste!
xo Uma
About the Author:
Uma Alexandra Beepat is the CEO of the Lotus and the Light Metaphysical Center. Uma is a Soul Alignment Coach, Intuitive Consultant and Psychic Medium. Uma wrote the book The Awakened Life and Amazon Best Seller "Chronicles of a Spirit Walker" that is available on Amazon.
May SPECIAL: $50 off Soul Plan Readings
In this session, Uma taps into the purpose of your birth using astrology and numerology with your consent and retrieve information about your spiritual path and anything else you need to know concerning your purpose and path in life.
This session takes two hours for Uma to complete a 18-20 page report will be done by email and sent to you and Uma will schedule a complementary follow up 30 min consult to go over the details if you would like.
In the month of May, enjoy a $50 discount on this transformational service that brings you clarity and awareness on your next steps in life!
FREE Psychic Readings!
FB Group:
TikTok: Umabee1111
IG: @thelotusandthelight
When people think of psychic abilities, mostly they think of how cool it is to help others by giving information that could change their lives. Possibly but I hold a different viewpoint. After spending the last 14 years doing over 13,000 readings for other people, I have come to my own conclusion of the #1 reason to be a psychic and it's not about other people.
It's about me.
We are all equipped with intuition and gut instinct because these are the senses that help us CREATE our path forward. Somewhere along the life span we lost the general gist of who we are and why we originally came here. Ahem, let me remind you quickly:
We are here for the experience of living nothing more nothing less.
And yet, despite us all coming for the same reason, we have different requirements for what that living experience looks like. That is why someone else can't tell us our path...we have to find it and guess what we are equipped with to do that?
You guessed it....our intuition and gut instinct.
This past weekend I was reminded WHY I love following my intuition and doing what I do, because when the Universe gives you confirmation that you are on the right path, it is the best feeling in the world. So euphoric! Orgasmic even!
Ok so what happened over the weekend Uma? Right let me get to it.
Recently I have been debating slowing down on some work requirements because my busy schedule doesn't allow me the time to do everything. I was thinking of letting my newsletter go because I rarely get feedback on it and I never know if people who sign up for classes or services with me come from the newsletter or my other advertising methods.
As I was debating letting my newsletter go, I had the strong urge not to! I felt like I needed to send the newsletter out for the week (even though it was a couple of days late) and just leave the topic alone for now. So I did just that.
IMAGINE my surprise when I held a class on Saturday and a student THANKED ME for my newsletter! I have never met her before and she told me she was recommended to me by a friend and she signed up on my website to join my newsletter!
She has been reading my newsletter for months and finally decided to come in for a workshop! I was so elated!
Following my intuition got me to the point where the Universe could validate my feelings and show me I was on the right path. It felt sooooooo good.
So of course the newsletter stays but now I have the added insight that doing what feels right to you, is the right course of action always.
This technique of following my intuition despite all odds have proven successfully over life and this is why I train thousands in person and online in psychic development courses. At my center, I rather teach people how to fish instead of providing them with a meal.
Yes I can read your cards for you, but how soulfully fulfilling is it to find the answers yourself by following your intuition and having the confidence to stand by your decisions? Powerful.
Here are my recommendations for increasing your intuition. This advice comes from my own personal journey and being a psychic mediumship mentor to thousands:
1) Meditation
I meditate every morning to develop a clear channel between Source and myself. This makes it easier to hear the voice of Spirit which is quiet and low. If you don't know how to meditate, book me for an online session or take a beginner meditation class at your local center. Meditation is the best tool for calming yourself and developing a natural trust with your intuition.
2) Psychic Development Courses
When I was in training, I enrolled in as many classes as I could to develop my psychic abilities and strengthen my intuition. Courses allow you to practice giving readings to fellow students usually in a calm and safe environment under the watchful eye of your mentor. You can find classes on hosting platforms like Eventbrite or Meetup and choose to attend in person or online.
3) Test it Out!
If someone calls, try to guess who it is. Have a box of crayons and close your eyes and pick one out, guess the color. Little games like this can strengthen your intuitive muscles and also give you confidence in knowing what you know.
Of course in each of the three steps outlined, it may be a real struggle at first and that is normal. In time, it gets easier and easier and soon you are like me and refusing to do anything without meditating on it first.
Your Spirit knows everything you need, so learn to trust it and all will go well.
To my new friend Iren this weekly newsletter goes out to YOU! Thank you for your kind words and support of my work. I just wanted you to know it meant alot to me, enough to be the topic of the week so thank you!
My wish for everyone this week is simple- start trusting your intuition and tuning out others!
Only you know you and only you know where you are going. Learn to tap into your hidden wisdom and live this life boldly for what you came for.
When you know, you can flow so start today living your best life in accordance with your soul plan. You got this.
Until next time, have a namaste!
xo Uma
About the Author:
Uma Alexandra Beepat is the CEO of the Lotus and the Light Metaphysical Center. Uma is a Soul Alignment Coach, Intuitive Consultant and Psychic Medium. Uma wrote the book The Awakened Life and Amazon Best Seller "Chronicles of a Spirit Walker" that is available on Amazon.
May SPECIAL: $50 off Soul Plan Readings
In this session, Uma taps into the purpose of your birth using astrology and numerology with your consent and retrieve information about your spiritual path and anything else you need to know concerning your purpose and path in life.
This session takes two hours for Uma to complete a 18-20 page report will be done by email and sent to you and Uma will schedule a complementary follow up 30 min consult to go over the details if you would like.
In the month of May, enjoy a $50 discount on this transformational service that brings you clarity and awareness on your next steps in life!
FREE Psychic Readings!
FB Group:
TikTok: Umabee1111
IG: @thelotusandthelight
Failure is a part of life and as much as we know this, it is still hard to accept.
We have been taught as children to "always do our best" or "if you aren't first you are last", little cute sayings that bring a sense of dread and shame at the thought of not living up to them.
We can't blame our parents though, they were doing the best they could when they could. I am thankful to be a parent in this day and age because I have so many resources to help me and the awareness that every word I speak to my children can either harm them or lift them. I forgave my parents a long time ago for the harsh realities I was exposed to while under their doesn't serve me or our relationship to hold on to the past.
However, the shame is still there about failing. The dread of getting it wrong and worse yet in front of other people....sometimes I think I rather the ground open up and swallow me up than face the humiliation of being wrong in front of others.
I think a major reason for that IS other people. As much as we say, we don't care what other people think....we really do because the thought of failing in front of others or worse yet, failing others? It is unacceptable.
For most of us, we were taught failure is a horrible thing but recently I have been seeing the beauty of not getting it right. Lots of lessons that are profound and touching enough to make me ease up on myself when I make a mistake. Life is funny like that.
We live life by accepting the opinions of others as truth over the acceptance of our own truth. Why is that? Because we believe at a subconscious level that other people have everything figured out but we don't. And that couldn't be further from the truth.
Today when people ask me, "Uma how can I trust my own intuition over the opinion of others?" I start with that concept. Everyone else has no idea (just like you) about what is going on so its best to trust your own insight over theirs because at least with yourself, you KNOW you! They have an idea of you but they will never live every single day in your life. Only you can do that.
But I am not telling you this to avoid failure by trusting your own intuition 100%. I am telling you this so you can have ease in the choices you make (hey once it makes you happy, go for it) and to hold space when you do get it wrong. Sometimes failure is just the turn signal you need to get off the wrong road and redirect to the right path.
When I fail now, I hold space for myself as I give myself time to figure out what went wrong or what mindset I was in to create the less than desired results. Most times that little timeout and self reflection yields to me the answers I need to make the necessary changes and try again.
Honestly if you can switch your mindset about failure and let go of the need to always get it right, the journey can be quite exciting and adventurous as you find your way. Do you like puzzles? I do! So I think of failing now as a game where I have to follow the clues (signs) and make my way to the right path from the wrong road. Exhilarating!
In owning my metaphysical center, I fail every week in some aspect but I rebound quickly and success follows. For example, I have had to change the date on several classes due to lack of attendance but I never wavered or thought to myself, "Maybe I should stop teaching" Heck no! I am amazing as a metaphysical mentor!
If I put up a class and two days out, it isn't full, then I cancel or reschedule it and do more advertising with different media for different results. Sometimes it's that simple tweak that fixes it or sometimes it is a bit more such as the understanding that it is time to retire that class. Whenever I get my intuitive hits on to why the thing failed, I move in accordance and watch the success come in. A simple mindset switch that allows me back on the journey of happiness.
This week I ask you to be easy on yourself when you fail and take time to understand why it did not give you the results you were looking for. Most times you will get the clarity on your own or sometimes you need a mentor or coach to help you. Either way, take the time to explore the supposed failure and when you get your insight and move in a different direction, I am pretty sure it will work out for you.
Until next time, have a namaste!
xo Uma
About the Author:
Uma Alexandra Beepat is the CEO of the Lotus and the Light Metaphysical Center. Uma is a Soul Alignment Coach, Intuitive Consultant and Psychic Medium. Uma wrote the book The Awakened Life that is available on Amazon.
December SPECIAL: $155-2023 December Reading
Enjoy a 60 min Phone Reading with Uma to learn what is in store for 2023!
In this reading, Uma will pull cards for each month. Time left for you to ask questions as well. This reading is not recorded so please make arrangements to record if you want a copy.
This reading is usually $300 so take advantage of this 50% discount before January!
Until next time, have a namaste!
xo Uma
About the Author:
Uma Alexandra Beepat is the CEO of the Lotus and the Light Metaphysical Center. Uma is a Soul Alignment Coach, Intuitive Consultant and Psychic Medium. Uma wrote the book The Awakened Life and Amazon Best Seller "Chronicles of a Spirit Walker" that is available on Amazon.
May SPECIAL: $50 off Soul Plan Readings
In this session, Uma taps into the purpose of your birth using astrology and numerology with your consent and retrieve information about your spiritual path and anything else you need to know concerning your purpose and path in life.
This session takes two hours for Uma to complete a 18-20 page report will be done by email and sent to you and Uma will schedule a complementary follow up 30 min consult to go over the details if you would like.
In the month of May, enjoy a $50 discount on this transformational service that brings you clarity and awareness on your next steps in life!
FREE Psychic Readings!
FB Group:
TikTok: Umabee1111
IG: @thelotusandthelight
The whole point of existence some would argue is to learn, grow and expand. I tend to subscribe to this theory as well. It makes sense to me that we would start with ignorance and develop awareness as we move through life experiences, learning as we grow.
However....I have met some of you (and lived my own life) and welp...this theory remains a theory because of our interactions. I have seen many people (including myself) repeat lessons, not learning the point the first, second, thirteenth time. I have seen people witness other people's downfall with choices made and yet repeat the same choices.
Why do we do this?
Simply put, many of us are living on auto-pilot, not really thinking about our choices or direction in life. We allow life to lead us and then get upset when things don't go our way instead of actively envisioning and choosing the options that best serve us.
Why do we do this?
Because many of us haven't been taught to. None of us were given an instruction manual at birth letting us know the easiest way to a successful and productive life.
Many of us get caught up in the smallness of life (gossip, pettiness, loneliness, pessimism etc..) and fail to keep an eye on the big picture.
Some of us just gave up on being and doing better and made peace with our situations.
But it doesn't have to stay this way and at age 45 I am learning this for myself. I can ASK for more but when I do....I have to prepare to change my behavior to receive it.
In true Uma fashion, let's give some examples!
When I first started livestreaming on an app, I did it for fun and laughs. I was wild on there! Drinking and getting high, being toxic but get this....despite my own efforts to keep myself down, Spirit had other plans for me. The admin saw potential in me and started making offers for my stream advancement. Close to two and a half years later, I am now a Top Badge on that app with a featured weekly show.
What does that mean for me realistically? It means that the higher vibration required a changed behavior to maintain that vibration.
I couldn't do what I was doing before. After I started making waves on the livestreams, I became more consistent in my streams and developed content for shows. I stopped with the 24-7 toxic behavior and saved the drinking and partying for selected nights as part of the show. I began to live the role I was assigned.
The same thing with relationships. When I was single I lived a certain way but anytime I joined with another in a love relationship, I changed the ways I was living as a single girl.
Every part of life requests you to change when you elevate. If you choose to practice old habits with new energy, you will fail.
And it is documented. Think of how many riches to rags stories you have heard of lottery winners going broke or famous celebrities who lost it all due to drug or alcohol addictions.
When your Spirit elevates you, your mind and your body has to follow for it to be successful and for it to be lasting.
I find myself yet again in a new situation where I am being asked to elevate my thinking and my behavior, so as I pondered on my next steps, I thought I would share with you my plan of action as I enter into this new space of life. Hey maybe it will help you when you uplevel your life! Ok here we go:
1) Get a Routine
Usually I have a morning routine already established but my life changed drastically a few months ago and I haven't been able to find my footing due to the change of schedules and life. Because I was off my daily yoga/meditation schedule, I became stressed and exhausted with the life changes that were occurring.
This week I plan to get back on my morning schedule no matter what because the one thing my morning routine does is help keep me grounded and calm. I love my morning routine so much I even came up with a name for it! I call it my MERRY mornings as I spend time doing Meditation, Exercise, Reiki, Readings and Yoga to start my day. Doing each of these activities help me stay spiritually connected, mentally stable. emotionally calm and physically fit. Trust me, when your mind, body and Spirit are tended to, it doesn't matter what is going on in the real world, you are calm within.
2) Get Help
I remembered when my metaphysical center began really thriving, I changed tax brackets and had no idea about money management. Once I started having extra finances after paying bills I decided to hire an accounting firm to do my taxes and take care of my financial planning.
Same thing happening now. As I move into this new era of my life, I find myself unable to assimilate the new challenges so I decided to go back to therapy and see a therapist weekly to discuss my life and gain insight into how best to proceed.
3) Be Flexible
Change requires patience. Yes your spirit elevated you to your next level, but your mind and body need some time to catch up. Be easy on yourself as you navigate these changes and don't take things too seriously. You may want it all to happen at once, but there is beauty in the unfolding. Allow it to happen at its natural pace.
4) Have Fun!
All change is for the betterment of you so rejoice in that fact! These uncomfortable times will not last forever so try to think of the big picture and not get caught up in the details. Move through the difficult times with laughter and humor, rest when you can and keep moving! One day you will be in the sunshine so just tolerate the rain as much as you can.
Life challenges us to be better and do better, it's up to us to make the choices that support that not take us backwards.
Until next time, have a namaste!
xo Uma
About the Author:
Uma Alexandra Beepat is the CEO of the Lotus and the Light Metaphysical Center. Uma is a Soul Alignment Coach, Intuitive Consultant and Psychic Medium. Uma wrote the book The Awakened Life that is available on Amazon.
May SPECIAL: $50 off Soul Plan Readings
In this session, Uma taps into the purpose of your birth using astrology and numerology with your consent and retrieve information about your spiritual path and anything else you need to know concerning your purpose and path in life.
This session takes two hours for Uma to complete a 18-20 page report will be done by email and sent to you and Uma will schedule a complementary follow up 30 min consult to go over the details if you would like.
In the month of May, enjoy a $50 discount on this transformational service that brings you clarity and awareness on your next steps in life!
FREE Psychic Readings!
FB Group:
TikTok: Umabee1111
IG: @thelotusandthelight
It's not that enlightenment isn't for everyone.
The Law of Attraction works but yet people tell me frequently that it doesn't. The thing is, you have to be ready to receive it.
Have you ever had a dream where you were somewhere and you were unprepared? Maybe a dream of being in class and naked? Or being at work and unprepared for a meeting? Do you remember the feeling of dread and shame you felt? Why? Because you knew (even in a dream state) that you were not supposed to be there. You needed to be clothed or prepared before you got there.
It's the same thing with the Law of Attraction. The enlightenment we seek to have happy and peaceful lives comes with real power and if you are not ready to receive it, you can actually turn away your own manifestations.
How can we not be ready to receive that power? If we have fear, anxiety, doubt, dread or other lower emotions, we will not be able to handle the power. It's physics. The "thing" we are calling in and manifesting is of a higher power and if we are in a lower energy, we can manipulate the energy to bring us what we want but it wouldn't be enjoyable because we will not be at the level we need to be to receive it.
I witnessed it myself with a particular friend. I taught her everything I knew about this power in a sincere effort to help her out of her self sabotaging ways but it didn't work. Well it did for a little and she was soaring high! She manifested new love that looked stable and a new job that looked promising and a move that she dreamed of that looked full of potential.
She thought she created her fantasy world and we were rejoicing but as quickly as she manifested it, it was as quickly as her dream turned to a nightmare.
The new love turned out to be insecure, possessive and highly jealous. Her new job started to change on what they offered her to a lesser offer than what she desired. Her own family member wished her dead for relocating.
I watched her hide from the harsh realities of her new world that she was denying but everyone around her could see. She thought she could pretend to be happy and it would all pick back up but instead things got worse and dangerous.
What happened to her scared me. It scared me because I started wondering if I really had the power or an image of it like she did. So I pondered this thought and went into my own meditation asking for clarity on this issue. Was I faking it too? At that moment I was happy and peaceful enjoying my life but was I lying to myself as well?
Thankfully, I received the clarity (and results) within a few hours to remind me that I DO indeed work with this limitless power and it wasn't based on favoritism, just actions.
Actions that I share with my clients in a one on one coaching program. Actions that I was ready to take and commit to so I could have this wonderful and happy life.
It was here that I understood the distinction of why LOA works for some people and for some it doesn't. It is manifestation vs. manipulation.
See my friend was pretentious and she wasn't really learning the LOA from me for the betterment of herself and her world, she was learning it to get things.
I see now that if a person has that intention, it will not work. The main driving force behind the LOA is a sincere desire to be a better person by being in better alignment to yourself. It is here in this place of complete alignment with your inner being that you can begin to use the power to unravel the mysteries of the universe ....and your heart.
This week your homework is simple-look at the list of things you desire and see where you are at with it. Are you moving towards your goals or are you stagnant? If you find yourself stagnant, do you know now why you aren't moving in that direction? Remember! You can always book me for an energetic clearings call to help you get back on track with your manifesting goals!
Until next time, have a namaste!
xo Uma
About the Author:
Uma Alexandra Beepat is the CEO of the Lotus and the Light Metaphysical Center. Uma is a Soul Alignment Coach, Intuitive Consultant and Psychic Medium. Uma wrote the book The Awakened Life that is available on Amazon.
April SPECIAL: $500 off The Enlightened Lotus Program
Are you ready to take steps to regain control in your life and turn it around? This is the program for YOU! This program is designed with a series of classes and services to be completed within a 6 month timeframe.
Uma has trained thousands of students in many healing modalities over the past 14 years and now offers you the complete package for your needs in a private setting! You will gain clarity, healing and enlightenment into your life with Uma as your personal teacher, coach and mentor! More Information:
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TikTok: Umabee1111
IG: @thelotusandthelight
I keep seeing too many people who go through things and allowing that thing to bring them down. Stop it.
I am about to be that Aunt Bee who straightens you up so you can fly right. Now this post is not for the faint of heart so if you take things personally, like to make assumptions, want to avoid personal responsibility then this is not the post for you. Keep sliding down and find one better suited to your temperament. For the rest of we go.
1) Stop blaming people
Let's say you got into a relationship with someone (it could be romantic or platonic) and after a period of fun and enjoyment it ends. Please for the love of God stop classifying them and diagnosing them especially when you don't have a license to do so. It's the funniest thing to me when I hear most people leave a relationship and refer to their exes as a narcissist. Stop it.
Just because you didn't get your needs met or that person didn't treat you the way you wanted to be treated, doesn't mean there is something psychologically wrong with them. It just means that you two aren't meant for each other and it's time for you to move on.
It's that simple but yet I find many people make excuses for their inability to leave. If I was to reword a scenario it would go from, "Oh I hate my ex, he is such a narcissist and i am glad that relationship is over." to "I wasn't getting my needs fulfilled but I was too scared to leave because I am insecure and anxious about being single. I am not sure I can get into another relationship OR I don't want to do the work and start all over again so I will just sit here and hope and pray for him to change."
The truth is this Universe (and you) operate by natural laws and there is a Law of Free Will which means that nothing can enter your life without your invitation. So whoever is in your life is by your intentional or unintentional focus. Stop blaming them for being there.
As a Law of Attraction coach I find that most people invite people and things into their life unintentionally, meaning they aren't focusing on the right things. Case in point, imagine a woman who only complains that men are dogs and list all the reasons something is wrong with them. Do you think she is going to attract a sweet, sensitive man capable of loving her or is she going to attract exactly what she has been talking about for awhile? Bingo.
The first step to emotional intelligence is understanding that bad relationships don't come in to break you...they come in to make you choose better so you can have the relationship of your dreams.
2) Own your Stuff
News flash-if you are 30s and younger, you are still growing and you are bound to make mistakes. If you mess up (and you know you will) be humble about it, learn and process it and then allow yourself the freedom to move on from it. Don't become the next category...ahem.
If you are 30s and older, learn to accept defeat and move on from it. Don't patronize others, don't put others down and definitely don't get a gang of your friends to cosign that you are right and they are wrong. As loving as they are being, they are not helpful.
We are not perfect creatures and we aren't expected to be so we really need to stop holding ourselves to this old paradigm that clearly isn't working anymore.
There will always be contrast and turmoil in life, the key to life is not to avoid it or live your life fearing it but to face things head on and change your attitude when things go south.
I am talking about myself of course. I use to be the woman who labeled every man as toxic if our relationship didn't work out but guess what? I grew up and took ownership of my behavior.
I stopped fearing change and started asking questions such as,
"What is this?"
"What is this bringing me?"
"How can I grow from this?"
"What new direction am I heading in because of this?"
When you start accepting the turmoil that comes with life, you show dominance in personality and power. Why? Because you refuse to be shaken. You understand that the Universe is a living, energetic entity only responding to our signals, nothing more and nothing less. So you learn to take things less personally and redirect a new course.
If a relationship ends? I accept it and see it only as a redirection not a rejection. If that man doesn't want to be with me, he is only making room for the one who can't live without me.
If I find out friends aren't really friends to me, I accept it. It only means that I outgrew that energy and am now open to inviting in a better fit for friendship.
If a job fires me, I accept it. I understand that there is something better coming my way and I need the time off to rest and prepare for this next adventure.
Once you start to see things as positive, you gain power over your outside circumstances. It all comes down to mindset. As a former athlete I can tell you that excellence in a sport is maybe 40% technical and physical skill and definitely 60% mindset.
You gotta think the right thoughts to make this life work. So....the next time you have a shake up in life, please came in to make you not break you. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep it moving. SO far you have succeeded 100% of the times you were knocked down. Own your thoughts and see your life flourish in amazing ways.
Until next time, have a namaste!
xo Uma
About the Author:
Uma Alexandra Beepat is the CEO of the Lotus and the Light Metaphysical Center. Uma is a Soul Alignment Coach, Intuitive Consultant and Psychic Medium. Uma wrote the book The Awakened Life that is available on Amazon.
MARCH SPECIAL: $500 off The Awakened Lotus Program
Are you ready to take steps to regain control in your life and turn it around? This is the program for YOU! This program is designed with a series of classes and services to be completed within a 3 month timeframe.
Uma has trained thousands of students in many healing modalities over the past 14 years and now offers you the complete package for your needs in a private setting! You will gain clarity, healing and enlightenment into your life with Uma as your personal teacher, coach and mentor! More Information:
FREE Psychic Readings!
FB Group:
TikTok: Umabee1111
IG: @thelotusandthelight
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